US Cryotherapy FDD Summary

Type of Business
US CRYOTHERAPY FRANCHISING, LLC offers to prospective franchisees a system and method of “super-icing” for the treatment of muscle and joint pain and inflammation. The franchised business includes a marketing system, trademark, patented technology, business organization and guidelines for providing services relating to the cold air therapy for joint and muscle pain and conditioning.

Corporate Information
US Cryotherapy Franchising LLC dba US Cryotherapy is a California limited liability company formed in October, 2011 under the laws of the State of California to carry on the business of  providing health and wellness through the use of “super-cold” air therapy for body muscles and joints to help reduce pain and inflammation and promote faster recovery. Their principal business address is 1490 Drew Avenue, Suite 110, Davis, CA 95618.

The initial fee for a new (C4) chamber large system franchise is $30,000 and the initial fee for a new (C1) single chamber small system franchise is $20,000. These initial franchise fees are due and payable to USCF in cash at the time you sign your Franchise Agreement. The total investment required to begin operation of a C4 US Cryotherapy System Franchise would range from approximately $506,200 to $602,400. The total investment required to begin operation of a C1 US Cryotherapy System Franchise would range from approximately $273,050 to $364,100.

View the 2016 US Cryotherapy FDD

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