Purchase & Download FDDs
If you need to download an FDD, our sister site, The FDD Store, allows you to purchase and download FDDs directly to your computer.
At The FDD Store, our sister site, FDD’s can be purchased on a per FDD basis. Once an FDD is purchased, you will be able to download the FDD in its original PDF format directly to your computer. If you want to purchase and download FDD’s, click on the button below and you will be redirected to our sister site, The FDDStore.com.
Just need to view the FDDs?
The FDD Exchange only supports Viewing, not Downloading.
The purpose of the this website, the FDDExchange, is to allow everyone to quickly view large numbers of FDD’s at the lowest possible cost. One FDD a day for free or up to 100 FDD’s per month for a modest monthly fee.