Title Boxing Club FDD – Franchise Information, Costs and Fees
Type of Business
The franchise is for the establishment and operation of a TITLE BOXING CLUB® Fitness Facility that offers total body workouts that are effective and fun, taught by Title Boxing Club Certified Trainers.
Corporate Information
TBC International LLC is a Kansas limited liability company that was formed on June 10, 2009, whose principal business address is 5360 College Blvd., Suite 200, Overland Park, Kansas 66211. They began offering franchises in January 2010.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of a TITLE BOXING CLUB® Fitness Facility franchise is $162,808 to $478,925. This includes $49,500 that must be paid to the franchisor or its affiliate(s).
The total investment necessary to begin operation as a developer under an Area Development Agreement is $99,000 to $149,500.The area development fee applicable to each Fitness Facility will be credited toward the initial franchise fee due under the Franchise Agreement for each Fitness Facility.