Drive N Style FDD Summary
Type of Business
Franchises are offered to establish and operate a Drive N Style business that offers a variety of automotive services, including interior and exterior reconditioning and maintenance services, exterior paint repair and refinishing services, interior and exterior protection services and vehicle
restyling services, all of which are applied, performed and/or installed to the interior and/or exterior of consumer vehicles.
Corporate Information
The Franchisor is Drive N Style, LLC, doing business as AutoQual, Aero Colours, and Drive N Style. Their principal business address is 440 South Church Street, Suite 700, Charlotte, NC 28202. They are a Delaware limited liability company that was formed in January 2008. In January 2013,
they converted from a corporation to a limited liability company and changed our name from Aqua2 Acquisition, Inc. to Drive N Style, LLC. Their parent company is Driven Brands, Inc., which is owned by Driven Brands Holdings LLC. Holdings is owned by Harvest Partners, L.P.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of a franchise is from $75,183 to $85,053. This includes $40,856 that must be paid to the franchisor and affiliate.