Brooklyn Water Bagel FDD Summary
Type of Business
The Franchisee will operate a quick serve restaurant under the mark “The Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Co®. It’s All About The Water!® offering breakfast, lunch and in some locations, dinner. Menus include several different flavors of bagels, several flavors of cream cheese and gourmet sandwiches, soups, salads, muffins, desserts, coffee, tea and soft drink-beverages in a unique setting featuring a proprietary water treatment plant and bakery prominently positioned in the front of every store.
Corporate Information
Brooklyn Water Bagel Franchise Co, I n c. was formed as a Florida corporation on November 13,2007. Our principal place of business is 5355 Town Center Road, Suite 702, Boca Raton, FL 33486 and we do business under our corporate name The Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Co®.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of The Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Co.® franchise in a free stand-alone location is $555,550 to $773,300.