Teriyaki Madness FDD Summary

Type of Business
Teriyaki Madness businesses operate fast casual Units that make and sell Japanese-style teriyaki dishes and other specialty food items, beverage items, and other items.

Corporate Information
Teriyaki Madness Franchising, LLC is a Colorado limited liability company formed on June 6, 2012. Their principal business address is 1660 S. Albion Street, Suite 800, Denver, Colorado 80222. They began offering franchises for Teriyaki Madness businesses in September 2012.

The total investment necessary to begin operation of a single Teriyaki Madness Franchise is between $255,199 and $560,850. This includes $52,500 that must be paid to the franchisor or its affiliates.

View the 2015 Teriyaki Madness FDD

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