Taco Time FDD Summary

Type of Business
As an area representative, you will operate as a Taco Time franchise broker and support service representative for the franchisor within a defined geographic area.

Corporate Information
Kahala Franchising LLC is an Arizona limited liability company which was formed on December 29, 2008. Their parent company is Kahala Brands, Ltd, which is a Delaware corporation. The parent company of Kahala Brands is USKAL Corporation LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The principal place of business of USKALis 210 Shields Court, Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 8V2.

The minimum total investment necessary to begin operation as an Area Representative under an ARA ranges from $27,000 to $172,000 which is calculated by using the minimum Initial Development Fee. This includes a minimum of $3,000 that must be paid to franchisor or its affiliate.

View the 2015 Taco Time FDD

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