Schooley Mitchell FDD Summary
Type of Business
As a franchisee, you will operate a business providing professional telecom consulting services, merchant services consulting services, and other consulting services to business clients under the name SCHOOLEY MITCHELL TM under certain standards of operation.
Corporate Information
The franchisor is 1073355 Ontario Limited, operating as SCHOOLEY MITCHELL TM. They are an Ontario corporation that was incorporated on April 25, 1994. Their principal business address is 1073355 Ontario Limited, O/A SCHOOLEY MITCHELL TM, 91 Brunswick Street, Stratford, Ontario,
N5A 3L9. They began offering franchises for SCHOOLEY MITCHELL TM locations in April of 2004.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of a SCHOOLEY MITCHELL TM franchise is from $49,000 to $59,250, $46,500 of which must be paid to the franchisor.
View the Schooley Mitchell FDD