Leafs of Three FDD – Franchise Information, Costs and Fees

Type of Business
The franchise is a mobile business that offers noxious plant removal services from landscape for residential and commercial property owners. This is a service-oriented business that uses specialized products and proprietary techniques to safely remove outdoor noxious plants and dispose of such plants and vegetation, all under the name “Leafs of Three.®”

Corporate Information
Ivy Wranglers, LLC is a Michigan limited liability company, incorporated on October 26, 2020. They do business under the same name as their corporate name “Ivy Wranglers, LLC” as well as “Leafs of Three” and “Poison Ivy Control.” Their principal business address is 8233 S. State Road, Goodrich, Michigan 48438.

The Initial Franchise Fee is $10,000 with protected rights to operate in a specific area defined by the franchisor. Additional franchises may be available for those franchisees who have bought at least one franchise, at a reduced Initial Franchise Fee of $7,500 per franchise. The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Leafs of Three® franchise ranges from $24,675 to $50,800 which will depend on a number of factors which are further discussed in Item 7. These figures include the Initial Franchise Fee of $10,000 (as discussed in Item 5) that must be paid to the franchisor or its affiliate.

Leafs of Three FDD

View the 2023 Leafs of Three FDD