Glass Doctor FDD Summary
Type of Business
As a franchisee, you will install, repair and replace residential and commercial flat glass and auto glass and provide other glass related services and sell other glass related products.
Corporate Information
Synergistic International LLC is a Texas limited liability company, organized on March 15, 2004. They maintain our principal place of business at 1010-1020 North University Parks Drive, Waco, Texas 76707. They do business under the name Synergistic International LLC and the trade name GLASS DOCTOR® and do not do business, or intend at the current time to do business, under any other name.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Glass Doctor© franchise ranges from $108,800 to $289,000, plus any additional franchise fee. This includes $28,000 initial fee, plus $280 per 1,000 population, that must be paid to the franchisor. It does not include fees for additional territory (beyond the minimum 100,000), for which we charge $280 per 1,000 population.