Games2U FDD Summary

Type of Business
The franchise offered is for the establishment of one or more Games2U franchised businesses that provide mobile entertainment using various vehicles, vehicle equipment and game equipment for parties and other events.

Corporate Information
My Goodness! Games, Inc. is a Delaware corporation formed on June 11, 2014. Their principal place of business is 2219 Westlake Dr. Ste. 150, Austin, Texas 78746. They do business under their corporate name, under their trade name “Games2U®” and under the name “Games2U Entertainment.” They began offering franchises for the operation of Games2U Businesses in April 2015.

The total investment necessary to begin operation of a single Games2U Business ranges from $125,050 to $414,100. This includes $75,750 to $313,000 that must be paid to the franchisor or its affiliates.

View the 2016 Games2U FDD

(See All Available FDDs)