Drama Kids FDD Summary

Type of Business
Drama Kids businesses provide drama-based programs for children and teenagers ages 4 to 17 through a progressive curriculum that enables students to develop leadership, teamwork, and social interaction skills, public speaking skills, acting skills, confidence, self-esteem, and a positive approach to life.

Corporate Information
Drama Kids International, Inc. is a Maryland corporation formed on December 20, 1999. Their principal business address is 525-K East Market Street, #250, Leesburg, Virginia 20176. They began offering franchises for Drama Kids Businesses in April 2000.

The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Drama Kids franchise ranges from $28,600 to $48,200, including $24,700 to $38,200 which must be paid to the franchisor or its affiliates.

View the 2016 Drama Kids FDD

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