College Nannies & Tutors FDD Summary

Type of Business
The franchise offered is for the operation of a College Nannies & Tutors business which will offer nanny placement services, babysitting services, homework help tutoring and college prep services.

Corporate Information
We are a Minnesota corporation that was incorporated on February 28, 2005. We do business under the name College Nannies & Tutors. Our principal business address is 1415 Wayzata Boulevard East, Minneapolis, MN 55391, telephone (952) 476-0262.

The total investment necessary to begin operation of a College Nannies & Tutors business is from $85,000 to $175,000. This includes the $35,000 initial franchise fee that must be paid to us. If you purchase two franchised territories at the same time, the Initial Franchise Fee is $60,000 for both. If you purchase three franchised territories at the same time, the Initial Franchise Fee is $85,000 for all three.

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