Chem-Dry FDD Summary

Type of Business
The franchise offered is for the operation of a Chem-Dry business which provides carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, spot removal, protective services and other authorized services.

Corporate Information
Harris Research, Inc. is a Utah corporation incorporated in March 1994 with its principal business address at 124 12th Ave. South, Suite 300, Nashville, TN 37203. HRI and its predecessors have offered Chem-Dry Franchises since September 1978.

The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Chem-Dry franchised business is $13,300 to $155,534. This includes $16,000 to $82,534, which will vary based upon the applicable package, which must be paid to the franchisor.

View the 2016 Chem-Dry FDD

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