Candy Bouquet International FDD – Franchise Information, Costs and Fees
Type of Business
This disclosure document is for the offer and licensing of franchises for a Candy Bouquet International retail operation, specializing in a unique system of florally arranged candy on stems to emulate flowers. We also offer candies of the highest quality sold in sacks, boxes, or loose in bins. Our “floral type” arrangements can be custom made to order and may contain gift items and paper goods as well as candy arranged florally.
Corporate Information
Candy Bouquet International is an Arkansas corporation, incorporated on August 3, 1993. It maintains its principal place of business at 510 McLean Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72202, and does business under the name Candy Bouquet International, Inc.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Candy Bouquet International, Inc. franchised business ranges from $17,170 to $68,050.