Buildingstars FDD Summary
Type of Business
As a master franchisee you will operate a business that will market and sell franchises to Subfranchisees which will provide quality cleaning services to the general public on commercial premises within the Development Area; train and assist Subfranchisees to open and operate Subfranchise Businesses in the Development Area; obtain Customer Accounts for your Subfranchisees; provide billing and collection services to your Subfranchisees; and operate a Cleaning Business within a Development Area.
Corporate Information
Buildingstars International, Inc. incorporated on December 22,2008,under the laws of the State of Missouri. Their principal place of business is 33 Worthington Access Drive, St Louis, MO 63043.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of your Master Franchise Business is $145,700 to $320,500. This includes between $50,000 and $150,000 that must be paid to the franchisor or its affiliates