BlueFrog Plumbing and Drain FDD Summary
Type of Business
The franchisee will operate a plumbing and drain repair business under the name BLUEFROG PLUMBING + DRAIN®.
Corporate Information
BlueFrog Plumbing and Drain, LLC is a Delaware limited liability company that was formed on December 30, 2013. Their corporate address is 4720 East Cotton Gin Loop #135, Phoenix, Arizona 85040. They have been offering BLUEFROG PLUMBING + DRAIN® franchises since January 2014.
The total estimated investment necessary to begin operation of a start-up BLUEFROG PLUMBING + DRAIN® franchise ranges from $69,430 to $340,510. This includes $14,000 to $122,495 that must be paid to the franchisor. The total estimated investment necessary to begin operation of a conversion BLUEFROG PLUMBING + DRAIN® franchise (i.e., if you are converting an existing plumbing and drain repair business) ranges from $16,430 to $190,510. This includes $6,000 to $62,000 that must be paid to the franchisor.