Assisted Transition FDD Summary
Type of Business
The franchisee will provide placement services for families needing to find an assisted living facility, nursing home, or retirement home for a senior loved-one (the “Assisted Transition Business”).
Corporate Information
Assisted Transition, LLC is the franchisor. For ease of reference, we will refer to Assisted Transition, LLC as “us”, “our” or “we.” We are a Nevada limited liability company and were formed in April 2011, with an address of 3315 HWY 50 Silver Springs, NV 89429. Our principal office for operations and franchise administration is at 320 Pine Street, Long Beach, California 90802. Our agents for service of process are listed in Exhibit C to this Disclosure Document. We conduct our business under our entity name and the name “ASSISTED TRANSITION,” and no others.
The estimated total initial investment necessary to begin operation of an Assisted Transition Business ranges from $49,600 to $58,750. This includes an initial fee of $39,500 that you must pay to us.