The Bar Method FDD – Franchise Information, Costs and Fees
Type of Business
The franchise offered is to operate a Bar Method® Studio featuring barre-based exercise classes using proprietary and non-proprietary techniques, formats and methods designed to provide fitness training in an attractive atmosphere.
Corporate Information
The Bar Method Franchisor, LLC is a Delaware limited liability company formed on October 25, 2021. Their principal business address is 111 Weir Drive, Woodbury, Minnesota 55125. They do business under their corporate name and the name Bar Method. They have offered franchises for Bar Method Studios since November 2021.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Bar Method Studio is $355,357 to $511,869. This includes $89,073 to $116,807 that must be paid to the franchisor or an affiliate. The franchisor may also offer you the right to develop 2 or more Bar Method Studios. You would then sign an Area Development Agreement and pay a Development Fee based upon the number of Bar Method Studios you agree to open, which replaces the Initial Franchise Fee you would have paid for those studios.